Aquatic Information Center



Dissolved Oxygen for Fish Production

Ruth Francis-Floyd

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What Is Dissolved Oxygen? Dissolved Oxygen (DO) refers to oxygen gas that is dissolved in water. Fish "breathe" oxygen just as land animals do. However, fish are able to absorb oxygen directly from the water into their bloodstream using gills, whereas land animals use lungs to absorb oxygen from the atmosphere.
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Aquaculture bio-filters and aquarium biofilters are biological filters. Fish farms and garden ponds use filters. Freshwater filters and saltwater filters use the same biological filters as biofiltration systems. Biofilters use bacteria to filter water. QuikSand filters are biological filters. Marine, reef, fresh, salt, tropical fish, bait, bass, catfish, coral, crawfish, koi, lobster, prawn, shrimp, trout and salmon all need water bio filters for biological filtration. BioFilter.Com is in Gainesville, Florida.