Aquatic Information Center


CTSA# 138

Spawning and Production of the Serpae Tetra, 
Hyphessobrycon Serpae

B. Cole and M. Haring

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The Tetras are one of the more popular groups of fishes that are kept in modern aquaria. They are generally colorful and small and most only grow to an inch or two and can be kept in small tanks more suitable for the beginning hobbyist. Many of them are schooling fish that do better in groups of five or more individuals. When small schools are kept in a larger tank they add an eye catching splash of movement and color to any type of aquaria. All varieties of tetra are highly marketable and constantly in demand. The Neon Tetra, Paracheirodon innesi, is the second highest fish imported into the U.S in both numbers of individuals and total value, second only to the Guppy, Poecillia reticulata. The Serpae Tetra is imported in volumes in excess of 60,000 pieces per month even though it is widely bred in the United States (Chapman, 1995). 
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