Aquatic Information Center



SRAC# 700

Zooplankton Succession and Larval Fish Culture in Freshwater Ponds

Gerald M. Ludwig

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Larval fish culture is one of the riskiest phases of freshwater fish culture, but it can be one of the most profitable. Special planning is required to overcome the risk of high mortality during fry culture. Producers must have a dependable larvae supply, a facility appropriate for fry and fingerlings, the right size fry, the right kinds and quantity of food, and fry weaned from natural to prepared foods. They must also take special care in handling fish and preparing the pond. This fact sheet concentrates on the relationship between fry size and the types and sizes of zooplankton found in culture ponds. Zooplankton is required as a first food for many cultured fish; for others it contributes to faster growth and higher survival.
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