BioFilter Systems has developed the most advanced,
yet cost-effective, biofilter technology available
today for removing nitrogenous and
phosphorus waste from water.

Through a unique combination of biology and
technology, BioFilter Systems QuikSand™
concentrates and enhances wastewater access
to naturally occurring organisms, providing
on-site treatment by virtue of
a single, filter technology.

The QuikSand Delta
is the most advanced fluidized bed filter available. Click here
to learn more about how it works.

How important is removing nitrogenous
and phosphorus waste from water?

A billion people worldwide lack access to an improved water supply. In excess of two billion people lack access to improved sanitation, thus contributing an overwhelming amount of nitrogen pollution to the water table. The United Nations (UN) Environmental Report GEO 2000 says that our global water shortage represents a full-scale emergency where “the world water cycle seems unlikely to be able to adapt to the demands that will be made of it in the coming decades” (UNEP, 1999).

Even where there is enough water to meet current needs, many rivers, lakes and groundwater resources are becoming increasingly polluted by agriculture, industry and, most frequently, by human waste (some 2 million tons a day are disposed of in watercourses) — the most non-trivial sources of nitrogenous and phosphorus waste in our water today.

Meeting UN objectives to redress our global emergency will mean that approximately 125 million people each year until 2015 will require access to improved sanitation. By using biotechnology that concentrates and enhances wastewater access to naturally occurring organisms that remove nitrogenous and phosphorus waste from water, the BioFilter Systems technology can be an extremely vital component in solving our worldwide crisis.

Clean water is possible. Biology + technology is making it so. BioFilter Systems is the wastewater technology for on-site human waste, aquaculture, agriculture and industry.


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